Struggling to find qualified applicants for your jobs?
The talent shortage is real.. and getting worse. Most employers are finding that trying to solve this problem on their own is only getting them farther behind the competition. But engaging a 3rd party like temp, staffing, or headhunters is not a good long term solution.
Maybe it’s time for Recruitment Marketing?
Want to learn how Recruitment Marketing can help your organization?
Not all employers needs are the same… and it can get confusing trying to figure out what type of solutions work for yours… so we’ve created a way for you to see exactly what we can do to help you with your recruiting needs.
Just pick an option below that best describes your biggest recruiting pain:
“We were struggling to get applicants until we started working with Sourcing Pro. It's unbelievable, but we now get plenty of qualified applicants for our jobs.”
— Hank, All County Exteriors
Want to Find The Hiring Pains of Your Organization?
Most organizations think that the only way to solve their recruiting problems is either to do it themselves, or to hire a done for you service such as temp staffing, or recruiting, or a third party headhunter. But there are other solutions that have all the benefits of done for you and all of the benefits for doing it yourself.
Below are a list of the common questions people have about recruitment marketing.
What exactly does a Recruitment Marketing Agency Do?
Recruitment marketing is a new way to solve an organization's sourcing problems. But, because it's so new both for organizations to purchase as well as the providers in the space, it can be a bit confusing for everybody about what exactly it is and isn't.
Let's start with easy stuff.
What it isn't…
It's not do it yourself software tools, just buying more tools won't solve the problem of a lack of strategy, a lack of a proven functioning strategy… and it's not done for you, like a recruiter temp agency or staffing where there's a high cost involved, lower quality, but where you don't actually own what's being built.
Effectively, it's hiring an agency to come in to help you and your team setup, launch and expand a new recruiting strategy to build a talent engine.
Temp or staffing is a solution that most companies get to when they've given up all hope on direct hiring.
The problem with temp or staffing is that:
You will always be addicted to using it.
The quality usually isn't that great for the cost.
It can start to erode both your customer as well as your full time employee experience. It's fine for short term or for seasonal type hiring, but it's not a great long term strategy.
Recruitment marketing, on the other hand, gives you the control of this focused on full time, or permanent hires, building an engine to bring those people in to hopefully replace a staffing or temporary temp hire strategy, especially for ongoing human talent.
Outside recruiters are great to fill in the gaps for professional level hiring when your team can't do it, but if it becomes a consistent thing, it's going to be a constant cost without actually recouping or building an asset of the talent pool.
Recruiting and headhunters do everything for you…
they just write ads
post the ads
generate a pool of candidates they bring you just the top people
Which sounds like a great positive…. But the downside is that they keep the pool of talent that was generated that you don't hire; so you will constantly have to go back to them and pay the high fees every time you need to hire.
How do we know if we need it?
Needing a new service like this can be difficult since your company probably doesn't have budget for this specific service and has never bought it before.
You need to assess your current hiring pain. How much pain are you experienced when it comes to finding applicants and how bad is that pain?
You need to estimate how bad it's going to get in the next year and project whether things are going to get easier or harder in the future when it comes to applicant flow and turnover when it comes to your competition.
You need to have an honest assessment of your current team's ability to solve the problem and the potential or ability of your current resources to solve the problem.
The final step is to determine your current strategies:
This includes your budget, your team, the strategy they have and the tools that they are using. This will help to figure out the likelihood your confidence in their ability to solve the problem internally, given your current pain as well as your future projected pain.
What are some options out there?
Ad Writing
CRM & Email Tools
Referral Tracking Systems
The problem is that none of these are actually a complete option.
From a strategy standpoint, most of them will not result in both short term and long term increase in applicant flow.
While they may provide some optimization of how much you're spending versus out applicants received, they will not actually create or make hiring a competitive advantage for your organization versus your competitors.
Why these options don’t work…
Not a comprehensive strategy
Might only give you small gains. But as your competitors copy the approach, you'll be at the same spot.
May not give you any gains at all when it comes to things like Employer Branding. Those approaches don't actually have a goal of a direct return on investment.
Might not be able to prove the impact or ROI- A lot of recruitment marketing offerings that are not holistic, may not even be trying to prove their value.
What should we look for?
You should look for a direct response agency, somebody who will come in and unpack your current situation, give you a holistic strategy that includes everything from assessing your target, rewriting your ads, and focusing in on inbound outbound and referral sources in a mix and balance strategy. They will provide you with both a short term roadmap for making an impact a mid term roadmap for building an engine that solves your current hiring needs.
You then need a long term approach or drumbeat to consistently review your needs versus how your talent engine is performing, coming up with an action plan of the next steps to take to make it better, and then follow through to actually drive your engine to constantly be improving and adjusting to the specific needs of your organization.
“SouringPro is the best hiring service I have ever been involved with. They just streamline the hiring process and do all the heavy lifting for you.”
— Crystal, Serenity Plumbing
Companies that use SourcingPro to grow their talent pool
Are you ready to take the next step to figure out how recruitment marketing can help your organization?
You might actually be more confused now than when you started on this page. If you don't have the time to do all the research to figure this out, we can help jumpstart solving your talent shortage today.
Choose from one of the links below to allow our team and our tools to help you quickly assess your pain, audit your needs or sit down with you one on one and unpack where you're at today and devise a roadmap for how to solve it in the future.